Well, since I am on a rant today, let me add this. What chicanos have you seen appointed by our illegetimate President? Even though his mixed race nephew worked on his campaign, what right does the State Idiot have to court our votes? What the hell has he done for chicano people in 4 years, other than send them to protect his corporate stakes in Iraq? The nerve of this fool thinking that if he shows up for a day or two and tells us that we are in better shape now than before that he will get...
I would really love to say that we do, but alas in my own experience I have heard some distressing things. I am mixed ethnicity and have pretty light skin. Therefore I am not generally associated as Mexican. I was at a dinner recently and the host, a wealthy white guy, attempted to be witty by saying something to the effect of,"watch out, the Mexicans are coming and there goes the neighborhood. What will society be like in 20 years when they take over?" As this guy is a client of my company, ...
OK. Well, I have kind of heard that chicanos in Floriday generally vote republican, but when the state of Florida is so generally republican with Chicanos, I feel I need to say something. Do you remember how you were treated when you, or your parents or your grandparents were first in the US? Do you remember the looks, the treatment by cops, that made you feel like dirt? How can you stand by as our brothers and sisters of African descent are subjected to unconstitutional voter blocking, harr...